



Strokes and Stroke Order in English Writing

As a non-native English speaker, learning the proper strokes and stroke order in English writing is essential to improve writing fluency and readability. In this article, we will explore the basic rules of English stroke order and provide a guide for beginners.


Horizontal Lines and Vertical Lines

Most letters in English language consist of horizontal lines and vertical lines. When writing these letters, it is recommended to start with the top-left corner and follow the stroke order from left to right, top to bottom.

For example, the letter "H" starts with a vertical line from top to bottom, followed by a horizontal line which starts from the top-left and ends at the top-right corner. The next step is to draw the second vertical line from the center to the bottom.

Curves and Circles

Letters such as "C", "O", and "S" require the use of curves and circles. When drawing these letters, it is important to start from the top-left corner and follow a clockwise direction.

For example, the letter "C" starts with a curve starting from the top-left corner, followed by a short horizontal line connecting the curve to the vertical line on the right. Finally, the curve should be completed by following a clockwise direction until it connects to the starting point.

Diagonal Lines and Slants

Letters such as "A", "V", and "W" require the use of diagonal lines and slants. When drawing these letters, it is recommended to start with the top-left corner and follow the stroke order from left to right, top to bottom.

For example, the letter "A" starts with a diagonal line from the top-left corner to the center, followed by a diagonal line from the top-right corner to the center. Finally, a horizontal line connects the two diagonal lines at the center.

Capital and Lowercase Letters

Capital letters and lowercase letters follow the same basic rules of stroke order. However, there are some minor differences in the shape and size of these letters.

For example, when writing the capital letter "R", the first stroke is a vertical line from the top to the bottom. However, when writing the lowercase letter "r", the first stroke is a diagonal line from the top-left corner to the bottom-right corner.

In conclusion, learning the proper strokes and stroke order in English writing is essential for improving writing fluency and readability. By following the basic rules outlined above, beginners can start to develop their writing skills and eventually become proficient English writers.



