




Practicing handwriting, or the art of calligraphy has always been an essential part of Chinese culture for centuries. As a student or a professional, improving your handwriting can enhance your overall impression and help you communicate more effectively. This article is a guide to help college students improve their handwriting using simple, but comprehensive techniques.

Getting started

The first step in improving your handwriting is to identify areas that need improvement. Identify which letters are hard to write or read, and which ones are inconsistent in form. This will help you focus on specific areas that need more practice. Secondly, choose the right tools for handwriting- a good quality pen or pencil with a comfortable grip and suitable ink color. Finally, find the ideal writing posture and a suitable environment that is conducive for writing.

These basic steps will ensure that your handwriting sessions are productive and enjoyable.

Practice regularly

There is no substitute for practice when it comes to handwriting. Set aside 10-15 minutes of your day, preferably at the same time, to practice. Regularity and consistency is key to seeing improvements in your handwriting over time.

Copy from skilled calligraphers

One of the best ways to improve your handwriting skills is to copy text from skilled calligraphers.You can either use online resources or books to find samples of calligraphy styles that you admire. The act of copying will help you improve your mastery of handwriting, enhance your writing speed, and improve consistency.

Try to copy text that matches your current level of handwriting and gradually work towards more intricate texts.

Focus on letters and words

Improving your handwriting is not just about writing beautiful letters, but also about creating legible words. It’s okay to be slow at first as you focus on individual letters, but once you’ve mastered these, you can start focusing on the words that you write. Ask yourself, “Am I joining the letters correctly? Do the words flow well?”.

By focusing on letters and words, you can avoid common mistakes and write in a more natural way.


Improving your handwriting requires consistent effort and dedication, but with the right techniques, anyone can improve their handwriting. Remember to practice regularly, copy from skilled calligraphers, and focus on letters and words. With time, you can take pride in the elegance and fluidity of your handwriting.



