



The Correct Stroke Order for the Letter "P"

Pencil to paper, let’s learn the proper stroke order for the letter "P". Whether you’re working on handwriting or calligraphy, it’s important to get the fundamentals right. Keep reading to discover the correct way to write this letter and elevate your penmanship game.


Starting Stroke

First things first, start with the starting stroke. Begin at the top of the letter "P" and move straight down.


Next, create a curve which begins at the bottom of the previous stroke and swings towards the left. It should slightly curve upwards in the end.

Vertical Stroke

Once you finish the curve, move back up to the beginning of the letter and create a vertical stroke that goes straight down to the bottom of the letter. This stroke should be parallel to the starting stroke.

Cross Stroke

Now it’s time to create the cross stroke. Start at the top left of the vertical stroke and move your pen towards the right to create a horizontal line that connects with the upward curve of the previous stroke. The cross stroke should be parallel with the starting stroke.

Next Steps

That’s it! Practice makes perfect, so keep practicing until you master the correct stroke order for the letter "P". Remember to take your time and pay attention to the shape of the letter, as well as the spacing and size of each stroke.

In conclusion, while it may seem like a small detail, mastering the correct stroke order for the letter "P" is essential for improving your handwriting or calligraphy skills. So, grab your pen and paper, and get practicing!



